lorentz equation造句

"lorentz equation"是什么意思   


  1. Then the nonlinear coupled electromagnetic and electron motion equations were obtained from the lorentz equation . and numerical calculation and analysis of cold cavity by pic software were applied to analyze the both hot and cold dispersion characteristic of this waveguide
  2. We developed a 2d3v ( two dimensional in space and three dimensional in velocity ) particle - in - cell code apic2d . in this code , we improved some algorithms of particle simulation as following : 1 . an advanced borris rotation method is proposed to solve the relativistic lorentz equation
    为了研究激光等离子体相互作用中复杂的非线性过程,本文研制了2d3v (空间二维,速度三维)直角坐标相对论全电磁粒子模拟程序apic2d ( advancedparticle - in - cell2d ) 。
  3. Chapter 4 : in this chapter , we derive the formula of ponderomotive force from lorentz equation and analyze the effect of ponderomotive self - channeling ( psc ) firstly . it is found that the effect of psc enhances the effect of beam focusing . and a nonparaxial propagation equation including the effect of psc is established
  4. It's difficult to find lorentz equation in a sentence. 用lorentz equation造句挺难的


  1. "lorentz covariant"造句
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  5. "lorentz distribution"造句
  6. "lorentz equations"造句
  7. "lorentz ether theory"造句
  8. "lorentz factor"造句
  9. "lorentz factors"造句
  10. "lorentz field"造句

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